Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Sweet Little Blueberry

Baby Blueberry has been on my mind so much this week. I would have been 5 months pregnant on Christmas Day. I know that I shouldn't do this, keep this mental count in my head, but it is impossible not to. My EDD, my LMP and how far along I would be now is etched in stone on my heart. There is no denying that. And even after all I've been through, all I've lost, all the pain and tears and hurt, I will never, ever regret the life of my sweet little baby. This picture was taken very soon after I found out I was pregnant. I will never forget the excitement, fear, love, hope, anxiety and joy I felt at finding out that I had a small life inside of me. There was a time that I couldn't even come close to looking at these photos (I took lots!). But lately it has been a comfort to remember. Which is the reason I share.

You can't tell but there's a little baby in there the size of a blueberry:)

1 comment:

  1. It's ago to remember...and even though people will say not to remember those dates it's impossible to forget. I remember someone telling me to write the "name" (or pet name) on a piece of paper and let it go....if water is important to you, go to the ocean and sweetly remember the good feelings you had and "close" that chapter. Don't forget that chapter but bring yourself some peace :)
    Hope that helps....I have been there and each day builds on the last.
