Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday Mind Dump

* I am rocking the hippie look today. Colorful scarf in my hair, long white flowy skirt, and bangles. I love it!!!

* I have a surfing date with a friend on Wednesday and Friday! I'm super excited about it. I love surfing so much I've been dreaming about it. Did I mention that Sky and I plan on getting surf boards for Christmas?! Super excited!! We plan on getting boards that we can both ride so Sky has suggested getting a pink and blue board that says His & Hers. How cute?!

* I was doing so well reading real books the last few months! You know biographies, self-help, educational books, NYT Best Sellers, and whatnot. But the last two weeks I find myself devouring trashy romance novels at a very rapid pace. It makes me feel a little guilty, but reading is reading, right?!

* It seems like everything online is constantly changing! New Facebook, new Blogger, new 20 Something, new Yahoo... I never realized how much I am annoyed by change until all of my favorite sites started updating. The positive side to this? Every time something new does change, I bitch a little less about it. I figure the internet is helping to make me a better, less irritable person in a roundabout way.

* I am happy (finally!) on the work front here on St John. During the day I work as a receptionist at a catering company, and I work in a little gift shop on nights and weekends. This means I work 7 days a week, but I love it! I'm busy and it helps to relieve my boredom, since I have something to do every day. I think I'll eventually get burned out so I don't plan on doing this schedule for long, but for now it's awesome. And my bosses are great, and so is the pay! Love my jobs!

* Life is sooooo slow on island these days. It's slow season here, which means that about half of the restaurants have closed for about a month, very few tourists are visiting, lots of the locals are on summer vacation and there seems to be NOTHING going on event-wise. If it weren't for work, I would be stir crazy. I am so glad October is almost here.

* Speaking of October, WHERE has this year gone?! I swear I was just celebrating my birthday (February) and now it's the end of September. I feel like life is flying by and I'm in slow motion or something. Crazy!

* Almost finished with work for the day. I have a date with the beach this afternoon:)

Happy Tuesday!!!

Growing and Learning

Since Sky and I have been back together, we have talked endlessly about our relationship, our future, our families, our goals, our feelings, the miscarriage, our past... you name it, we've talked about it until we were blue in the face. And that hasn't stopped, and I hope it never does! We both realized that communication is one of the major hurdles in our relationship. It is something that we have been working hard on, and I feel proud to say that our relationship is better than it has ever been. We are both happier now than we've been in some time.

Just this morning Sky said some of the sweetest words I have ever heard come out of his mouth. He told me that we are growing and learning and changing together, and he doesn't want that to stop. It makes me feel so good to know that we both want the best for the other, that we both are committed to this relationship and the other's happiness. There have definitely been rocky, hard times with us. There were times when I had zero faith in the stability and future of our relationship. And I know that he has felt the same. But what matters now is that we have decided to be together and work on making us stronger, healthier and happier. And we are doing it! I am happier and feel more in love with him than I ever have. And the beauty of that is he feels the same way. So here's to growing and learning and changing for the better!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Surfer Girl

It's my goal to work on becoming a surfer girl. I love surfing! How could you not?! It's fun, it's exhilarating, I get to spend time in the sun & surf and it is such a great workout! Sky and I have decided that we both want surf boards for Christmas, which I am super excited about! Blah, blah, blah for him (this seems rude, but really I honestly can't remember what he wants!) and a pink long board for me! Yay! Not to mention, when we decide to relocate to Hawaii, owning our own boards will definitely come in handy!

Today is a perfect day to go surfing, especially for me since I'm still very much a beginner. The waves are baby-sized, the weather is gorgeous and the ocean is pretty calm. So that's how I'm spending my afternoon! Pictures to come!

Happy Hump Day!!! I hope everyone's Wednesday is going smashingly!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Mind Dump

* I'm forcing myself to get back to blogging! One of my personal goals was to keep up with this blog and I haven't done a very good job of that over the last two months. That stops today! * It's been a dreary, rainy few days here on St John. I'm praying for the sun to come out some time this week! I would love to do some beach yoga and go surfing again, if only the weather would cooperate! * My laptop is still broken. I am the world's worst procrastinator. :( * It's so chilly here today that I'm wearing a long sleeve tee and I plan on having soup for lunch! It almost feels like fall! Well minus the mini skirt and flip flops I'm also wearing... * For the last 2 weeks I have had a dream almost every single night about the same person, someone I haven't seen in over a year. I wonder what this means, if anything? * Life has been so very good lately:) I am happier than I have been in a long time! It feels so wonderful to be so in love with life again. * I am crazy excited to go visit my Granny in NC in a few weeks! She lives in Wilmington, which I've never visited, but I hear it's lovely! She and Sky will (finally!) meet and I'm looking forward to being back in the states for a bit! Target and Chick-Fil-A here I come!!!! Here's hoping everyone has an amazing start to their week! Happy Monday!