Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It's midnight and Sky and I have to be up in about 4 hours. We should be asleep, yet we're both wide awake watching South Park. I think it's because of all of the butterflies in my belly!! I always get super excited about vacation the night before. I guess this time is no different!!

I will be blogging and posting pictures from the road. There are so many things I'm looking forward to!! And there will be LOTS to share with all of you when we get back. We'll keep you posted:)

Saturday, August 21, 2010


For any of you who don't know, Sky and I are leaving in a handful of days for vacation!! We're going to Alaska for two weeks to visit his mom, do some sightseeing, and generally just to get the hell off this island!!! We are both so excited to have a little bit of time off. If you know me you know I rarely let a month go by without a road trip or vacation squeezed in between the crazy busy days of life! That was one of the reasons I was so in love with Atlanta. You're only a few hours away from a busy city, a sleepy beach town, or the quiet mountains, whichever happens to be your pick. I don't find getting away here in the islands quite as easy. Just about any form of transportation is expensive and a hassle to get to. And obviously driving will only get you so far here; 9 miles to be exact. Yup, it's a really small island.

So off we go to wide, open, beautiful Alaska for 2 whole weeks!!! I cannot be more excited to start every morning with a walk!! I can't wait to wear a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and sneakers!! We also have hikes, camping, a visit to the fair, a road trip, and a backyard bbq to look forward to once we're there! If that doesn't sound like an awesome vacation, then I don't know what does:)

One of the things on my Must Do list: a visit to Target. I miss Target more than I ever imagined I could miss an inanimate object ! But it's hard to go from 4 visits a week to nada for eight months!! Can we say withdrawals? I seriously have dreams about shopping in Target. So the point is I miss it!! That will honestly be my first stop after landing in Anchorage.

Other things I'm looking forward to? Eating at McDonalds (or really any fast food place), seeing a movie, shopping in a real mall, drinking Starbucks, and buying fresh, inexpensive, healthy food. I also miss driving on the correct side of the road, or driving period!

It really can't get here fast enough:)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Out and About

Just a few pictures of Sky and I out and about and goofing off, as usual, on one of our days off!!

This is Izzy, Sky's other love...

See how well they get along? :)

About to start our adventure for the day!! Off to St Thomas for some shopping.

Beautiful day!! That dinghy is how we make it to the other island.

Goofing off.

Goofing off more lol...

Just another pretty shot!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Uncle Maine

This post is dedicated to my Uncle Maine!! I still think about him, and although I don't have pictures to remember him by, music certainly brings back awesome memories of him and my childhood. This is one of the many songs that takes me back:) We still miss and love you Uncle Maine!! We know you're charming the ladies and doing the Big J Flex in Heaven!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Our "Island Car"

This, my friends, is our ride, our auto, our whip, our hooptie... you know. Our car! This is what's know as an "Island Car". Notice the shape, condition and general shabbiness of it. This is something that couldn't begin to wish to pass inspection in the US! To pass inspection here the car only needs to drive, have 2 seatbelts (doesn't matter if they work or not!) and have headlights. So you can imagine the gems we have on the island!! This is one of them:)

Notice the bumper sticker? She's sassy:) And when I'm not riding in this piece of heaven, I'm hoofing it or hitching rides. But more on that later. Boy do I miss my sweet station wagon these days. That's all for now!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Recipe: Chicken and Stuffing Casserole

This post is dedicated to Pam! The recipe I used for dinner tonight is pretty quick and super easy!! Yummy too:) This serves 6+ so feel free to half the recipe for a smaller meal!! This dish can also be made without the noodles (only use 1 can of soup) or with different veggies.

Chicken and Stuffing Casserole
- 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup
- 1 package of egg noodles
- 1 can of sweet peas
- 1 box of Stove Top Stuffing
- 2/3 cup sour cream
- salt and pepper to taste

* Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Boil noodles as directed and drain well. Saute chicken in butter until thoroughly cooked and chop into cubes. Prepare stuffing as directed. Drain peas. Mix chicken, soup, noodles, peas and sour cream together. Spoon into a casserole dish. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste. Top with stuffing. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

America's Most Romantic Cities

Just ran across this article. Interesting!! I've been to 3 of the top 10. And Sky and I plan to travel to at least 2 more in the coming year. How many and which ones have you been to?...

Just a Quick Hello:)

Hey guys!! I decided to start a blog!! I know I haven't kept in touch with everyone as much as I would have liked since moving to St. John. So I've decided to start blogging on my life here so you can see what I'm up to if you like:) This is just a short blurb to say hi and post some pictures!!

Hanging out at Dennis Beach

                             Goofing off at dinner @ Banana Deck

                                       My handsome guy!!

                        I can't believe I see palm trees everyday!!

More to come soon:)