Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Mind Dump

* I'm feeling pretty happy today:)

* This snow is so amazing!! I haven't played in or seen this much snow since I was 10 years old. I went out in it last night with Denise. She abandoned me after 60 seconds though, because her socks got wet. I stayed out and played for a bit by myself. and ate a bunch of it. Is that gross? It was clean, I promise!!

* Therapy cancelled today because a majority of the roads are blocked off around town. I'm a little disappointed about that since it's been weeks since I talked to anyone. I'm anxious to get back and start working through so many things.

* I rejoined Netflix and spent most of last night and today watching scary movies. Love it!!!!

* S makes the most amazing sounds. One of them is this incredibly high pitched screech, which I think makes her sound like a Baby Pterodactyl. I thought of making that her nickname but I'm not sure D & P would approve.

* I can't stop dreaming about, Googling pictures of, planning trips to, and shopping for THE BEACH. What is wrong with me? I think I have tropical fever. And worse I keep trying to plan trips but I have no one to go with. Sad, lonely, cold Kourtnie. Guess I'll go frolic and drink fruity drinks and swim and take naps and long walks and snorkel by myself. Maybe I'll meet a handsome stranger to whisk me away.... Wait a second, I already did that. Scrap that idea:)

* Setting up utilities is tedious and boring and more hours on the phone than I ever imagined. Sigh.

* I still can't believe I'M MOVING INTO MY OWN PLACE!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! The excitement has definitely not worn off yet!!!!! If I was able I'd be out shopping for furniture this instant.

* This might be embarrassing to him, but I think it was funny. I was hit on by one of my uncles on Facebook, who is 69, by the way. Priceless. And random.

That's all for now. Happy Monday!! And I hope everyone here is enjoying their Snow Day!!!!

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