Thursday, March 24, 2011

Puppy Love

I want a puppy so badly that I've been DREAMING about it!! Recently I had a dream that Sky brought home a sweet little puppy and he climbed right in bed and curled up on one of our pillows. I thought the dream was real so I woke up and put my hand out to pet the puppy and... nothing! Boy was that a huge letdown!!

I'm serious about this puppy business. So my first step is researching what kind of dog is best for my lifestyle. I want something very small, that I can carry around and treat like a little baby! Sad, but true. I also need something that's okay in small spaces, since we live in an apartment. I want a puppy I can be super affectionate with. I also need something that tolerates warm weather, and something that travels well. And I am absolutely against a drooler. I refuse to have a slobbery puppy. Gross!! So I did as many "What Kind of Dog is Right for You" tests as I could find online. I Googled and Wikipediaed and checked out articles on the AKC website and Animal Planet. And I've narrowed it down to five breeds:

Yorkshire Terrier

Miniature Schnauzer 

West Highland White Terrier



I have to admit that I am extremely partial to the Yorkie (because I've always wanted one) and the Miniature Schnauzer (because we had them when I was a child) although I would be ecstatic to own any of those precious faces! But what will really be the deciding factor is availability and price. Like virtually everything else I've ever shopped for, it's going to be tricky to find the kind of puppy I want here in the islands. I think it'll come down to finding a reputable breeder that I trust stateside, who also ships to the VI. I have a feeling this will take some time and effort to find!

Any and all tips, comments and suggestions are welcome in my search to find a little puppy on which I can lavish ridiculous amounts of time, love and attention!


  1. I have a shih-tzu they are very love dog.... and they get up to about 15 pound ... i really do you should look in to a teacup maltese... i have a teacup maltese and they are very else to travels... they are a very love puppy and they get up to 4.5..... you can see the picture of my facebook picture.... if you need more more .. just facebook me ok...

  2. I love them all, but my honest recommendation is the Malti-Poo. Mixed breeds are much healthier dogs, and usually more affordable, too! The Malti-Poo in particular has a lot of traits you're looking for, and it's one we're considering for a second dog, as well. :)

    Second to that - the miniature schnauzer. Great dogs! I think Yorkies are adorable, but have met three that were seriously yappy/loud. Westies and super pretty but have some health problems that they are prone to.

    Whatever you get, I know you will love it!
