Monday, March 7, 2011

Island = Fatty

After my miscarriage I lost about 15 pounds between my depression medication and general lack of appetite. But now I'm used to my meds, so my appetite is back. And since moving back to St John I have put 10 pounds back on. Not cool.

Living on this island makes me such a fatty. And here's why:

- I drink waaaay more here than I did in the states. Can you say "empty calories"?! Unfortunately liquor is one of the only inexpensive things on the island. Sometimes I skip dinner and have a Sex on the Beach instead...

- It's too hot, and let's be honest, I'm too lazy, to go for a run.

- Why don't I just join a gym you ask? Well because they are hellishly expensive here. There's one gym on the island and it costs $150 a month to be a member, plus a $500 yearly fee. No thank you.

- Fresh and healthy produce is hard to come by. And when I can find it, it is also hellishly expensive. $10 for a pound of strawberries anyone? No? Me either. And a lot of other fruits, veggies, lean cuts of meat and fish are just as expensive. Salmon is $20 by the pound here. Outrageous.

- All of that plus the fact that I have a chef as a boyfriend, who cooks food full of fat and butter and cholesterol and salt and other yummy goodness.

The good news is that 10 pounds isn't the end of the world. And even when I feel like a fatty, I've never been bigger than a size 8. So I do take some comfort in the fact that I have awesome genes. Thanks mom! But I do need to figure something out, and soon. Because another 10 pounds is not acceptable!

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