Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump

* Since my blood transfusion the mosquitoes and no see-ums are much kinder to me. Coincidence? I don't think so!

* I miss D and S more than words!!!! What I wouldn't give to be kept up until 1am by my two favorite giggling girls:)

* I just ran up the stairs for the first time in a month! And then it hurt. But it was fun while I was doing it!

* I'm pretty sure I look kinda hot today. I think.

* There is someone I want to say "You were right" to but I'm too embarrassed. Well that and I'm not sure they even care. So I'll say it here: "You were right!".

* I am obsessed with all things Hawaii these days!!! I want to go soooo badly!!!!!

* I'm not sure if I'm just going through a phase or if I'm just picking the wrong books, but I'm bored by EVERYTHING I'm reading these days. Nothing is holding my attention. It's frustrating.

* I'm recently addicted to Twitter. As if I need anymore time wasters in my life!

* It dawned on me that if I wear heavy duty yellow gloves to clean, that I'm a much better cleaner! They make me brave:)

* I'm excited to see The Simpsons tonight!! And Family Guy!!

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!!! Happy Sunday evening:)


  1. Have you read The Hunger Games? It's pretty awesome. Also, I recently read a book called The Girl Who Fell From the Sky, and it was great. It's about a half-Danish, half-Black girl who survives a tragedy and has to put her life back together in a place where everyone wants to put her into categories that she doesn't feel comfortable with. It was very good!
