Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pinterest Inspired Ideas

Yes, I'm gushing about Pinterest again! I cannot get enough of browsing and repinning and ooohing and aaahing over all of the genius ideas and pretty things and DIY projects! Pinterest is actually helping me along with one of my New Year's resolutions, which is to work on beautifying my surroundings! There are endless ideas and inspiration which is helping to kick start my creativity. Here are a few projects on my To Do list, with the help of Pinterest. I'll try to include the original link to each!

Here's a project for our home that I plan on doing with the help of Sky. I repinned a blog post titled "21 Ways of turning pallets into furniture". The coffee table in the photo below is a redesigned pallet! How smart and crafty, but also pretty! I'm excited about this one. Who doesn't love turning trash into treasure? 

This is a photo I pinned from Shabby Chic. I am so in love with this room and the color scheme! I'm currently working on redecorating our bedroom in a similar way: soft shades of white, blues and tans. So pretty!

How cute is this DIY rug? I love it! And the best part: it's made out of old tees. Perfect way to clean out the closet and add some homemade charm to our little apartment! I'm going to make one for the bedroom in similar colors as above! Find the easy instructions here: Rags By Sock Monkey

This was an idea repinned from Martha Stewart. It's genius! Why have I never thought of this before? A super easy way to keep all of your linens organized and easily accessible. Basically you tuck the entire set into the pillow case after folding. Smart, easy, practical.

Another clever idea from Pinterest! It's a wine rack that can be used as a towel holder in the bathroom. I love the idea of not having to fold our towels! I couldn't find this exact rack, but I found a style I love from Pottery Barn.

Another brilliant idea. This woman found a home made recipe for Febreze that she estimates only costs her $0.15 per bottle to make! Go here to check out the recipe: Fake it Frugal As soon as my mega bottle of Febreze is finished ($12.99) I'm all over this one!

1 comment:

  1. I love these ideas! (I'll be sure to repin them soon) Like you, Pinterest had inspired me to try the recipes I have pinned on my food-oriented board. I also plan to have a Pinterest Plate Party where many of my friends can bring their Pinterest-inspired dishes for a potluck.
