Thursday, February 17, 2011


I know this is going to come as a surprise and even a shock to some people, but I've moved back to St. John, USVI. I was surprised and shocked too! It was a decision and a move that was made and done very quickly. I am sure there are lots of you who will disagree, or even be disappointed by my decision. And all I can say is that I did what I thought would make me happy.

Thank you for your support. And if supportive is not what you feel, then thank you for refraining from saying anything awful! I really do appreciate it:)

Happy Thursday all!!


  1. Aw I'm jealous! Well good luck with your move back!

  2. Really?! Was the apartment company nice about it and let you out of your lease? Glad you're doing what you feel is best for you - are you glad you moved?
