Friday, September 24, 2010

It's Official!!

Sky and I have decided to move back home. We're heading back to Atlanta!!! I am beyond delighted; Sky is (understandably) a little less enthused. While I'm in love with and am used to living in a big city, Sky is pretty much the opposite. He grew up and lived on small islands and small towns pretty much his whole life. So I guess the idea of living in a big, bustling city is a bit overwhelming to him.

I, on the other hand, am so excited for all the things that a big city has to offer us right now! One of the reasons we're moving from the VI is the healthcare. The healthcare here is less than stellar. I had a scare two weeks ago that could have been solved by a simple sonogram. Well, as it turns out, there isn't an ultrasound machine on the island. Or a hospital. Or even a doctor. They, of course, have clinics and nurse practitioners here. But this doesn't give me enough confidence or comfort to go through 9 months of pregnancy, labor, and caring for a newborn. As for Atlanta we wouldn't be more than 15 minutes away from doctors, hospitals and specialists should something go wrong.

Another reason we've decided to make the move is our families. I have never felt a stronger need to be around my family and friends as I feel now. I guess it's something about bringing a little person in the world that makes you want to surround yourself by the familiar and comforting. Besides I think it's perfect that most of my friends back home are moms anyway. And my sister just had a sweet little baby (Happy 2 months Sadie Baby!). There's nothing better than being around people in the same stage of life as you are!!

The last (logical) reason we are moving back is the cost of living. Here's a sample of a few things we pick up at the grocery store each week and their prices here:

Gallon of milk- $6
Loaf of bread- $5
Box of cereal- $7
Frozen pizza- $ 13
Dozen eggs- $3
1/2 Pound of turkey- $6
Bag of chips- $5

I could go on but it's depressing!! On average a trip to the grocery store for 1 1/2 meals (dinner and some leftovers) we spend about $28 to $35. A large majority of our income goes to eating. The rest of life here is pretty expensive too! Gas is about $3.65 a gallon right now. We live in a pretty tiny studio apartment that costs us $750 a month. Pretty much the only thing that's cheap here is liquor, which is no longer a pro for me! All of this on top of the fact that on average jobs here pay 15% to 30% less than in the States. This math does not add up when you're looking to build a life and a family!!

So those are the "real" reasons we're moving back to Atlanta. I feel confident in the fact that we've made this decision based on logic and fact! And that's how I presented it to Sky which is why I think he's fine with it. If he knew some of my PERSONAL reasons for wanting to move back, he would think I'm nuts. I really want to move back so I can decorate the nursery from Target and Pottery Barn. And I really want to start taking prenatal yoga in Piedmont Park. And find a mommy group ITP. And I can't wait to sign up for Music classes, specifically at Toco Hills so I can get Miss Berne. And let's not forget Gymboree!! I want to do all the fun, silly things you can do when you're a mommy!! To me these are just as good as the real reasons I listed above.

Either way, back home we go!! I hope one day he learns to love Atlanta as much as I do, but until then I can love it enough for all 3 of us!!!!


  1. I am sure he will love it! What area are you going to live in? We're near the city but it doesn't FEEL big.

  2. I hope so:) I'm thinking Toco Hills area. Although we haven't decided definitely on that!!
