Saturday, August 7, 2010

Our "Island Car"

This, my friends, is our ride, our auto, our whip, our hooptie... you know. Our car! This is what's know as an "Island Car". Notice the shape, condition and general shabbiness of it. This is something that couldn't begin to wish to pass inspection in the US! To pass inspection here the car only needs to drive, have 2 seatbelts (doesn't matter if they work or not!) and have headlights. So you can imagine the gems we have on the island!! This is one of them:)

Notice the bumper sticker? She's sassy:) And when I'm not riding in this piece of heaven, I'm hoofing it or hitching rides. But more on that later. Boy do I miss my sweet station wagon these days. That's all for now!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL - if it works, it works. Island culture, I guess.
