Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Scared Silly

I love horror movies. Ordinarily I can only watch them with other people, but the last few days I've been on a solo scary movie bender. Some have been cheesy, some have awful acting, but I've been scared at some point in every one of them. I imagine that this mini-obsession will end just in time for the move to my new place. As usual, I have amazing timing. Here are a few I've seen over the past three days:

What are your favorite horror films?


  1. Out of these I liked the top 3 the best; the bottom three were somewhat cheesy, but still made me jump!

  2. I've never watched a lot of horror movies, and what I have hasn't impressed me, but made me want to watch more, if that makes sense? Might have to see if the ones you watched are on netflix. :)

  3. That's where I watched them Sarah!
