Monday, January 10, 2011

On My Own

I've always been conflicted about living alone. When I was younger, about 16 or so, I made a list of things to do before I got married and living alone was on it. But as an adult I realized that being alone is hard for me. So I thought that I would just live with roommates until I got married. Then over the holidays I had the opportunity to house sit for a few weeks. It hit me that not only could I manage to be by myself, but I actually liked it!! So I started the process of wrapping my head around choosing to find a place of my own. Fast forward to this past Saturday. I was browsing Craigslist half-heartedly for an apartment when I saw one that looked decent and in my price range. Well a phone call turned into a visit, which turned into a tour, which turned into me submitting an application, and before I knew what I was really doing I signed the lease to my new apartment. I spent the rest of the day and most of today alternating between freaking out and being excited and mentally decorating my new place.

This is such a HUGE step for me. I am so thankful and grateful that I'm able to do it, but it is still a little overwhelming!! Part of me is scared out of my mind and part of me feels so alive and independent because of this decision. I can't believe I will cook and clean and watch television and go to bed and wake up ALL ALONE.

I've already learned my new address, forwarded my mail and set up all my utilities. So my next step is waiting for my move in day, which is the 18th, and trying to acquire some furniture before then. Sadly when I moved to St John I gave away every stick of furniture I owned, including my prize possession that I was more in love with than pizza: my king size bed. I seriously, truly, fully adored that bed like nothing else. It makes me sad that I was such a dumb A-double-S to sell it.

So now for the hard stuff: figuring out how I'm going to decorate the place!!!!! I am so super excited about that. In a way I'm kind of glad I got rid of everything (BUT the bed) before moving away. Now I can start fresh and invest a bit more money into things. I figure I'm going to be there for a while so I'm going to take my time settling in and finding pieces that I really like, instead of just having a mis-matched, thrown together apartment. But to be honest my first priorities are a television and a bed. In that order. Just kidding, but not really!!

Wish me luck in moving!!! I think it's one of the most tedious and boring things a human has to do. But when it's all over I'll be dropping invites in the mail for a house-warming party!! Woohoo!!


  1. yay! Good luck, Kourtnie. :) I'm looking forward to getting to that point of no longer having the thrown together mismatched place myself. So exciting!

  2. Good luck to you! You will love it, I know! :) The freedom to be yourself but still be with others when you want to.

  3. Thank you! I'm so looking forward to it:)
