Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday Mind Dump

Random things I'm thinking, feeling, doing today...

* I'm sick today. I started feeling yucky last night, but it's worse than I thought; I had to leave work early. My hips are killing me, I can't keep anything down, and I'm dizzy and nauseous. Not good. Let's hope this is a 24 hour thing.

* I have a crush. Actually, I have two. A HUGE one, and a little baby one. And these crushes are on actual guys! Eeek! It's been some time since I've felt that!!!

* I'm glad the holidays are over. That means my break from therapy is over!! Woohoo!!!! I'm going to a session Wednesday night. Has anyone in history ever been this excited about therapy?!?! I think NOT!!!!

* It was 24 degrees when I left the house today. I'm so freaking over this cold weather. One thing I will never insult St John for is its weather. It spoiled me. Must. Move. Back. To. Beach. ASAP.

* I'm lying on the couch listening to D and S have a very interesting conversation. Lots of screeching and grunting from S. Lots of "What is that sound?!" and "What are you saying?!" from D. Very cute.

* Migi is sitting on my head. I forget how and why he got there.

That is all. Happy Monday to everyone but me!!!!


  1. Hope you feel better soon! So much nastiness going around right now. One of "my" little guys visited the doc today with a fever. Not fun! Sending you lots of good vibes. Are you taking anything? EmergenC always makes me feel better, and might speed things up. I know I'm pulling my box out for all three of us.

  2. Thinking of you! :) 2011 is going to a be a year of ups and joyous moments. Embrace them.
