Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dream a Little Dream

I think dreams are SO interesting!! I used to own a massive dream interpretation book as a teenager, but I lost it. So I've taken to using the free websites I find through Google if I want to know the meaning of dream. I think sometimes dreams can obviously be telling you something and other times it's just a bunch of nonsense from your everyday life thrown together. There have been a few interesting dreams I've had lately:

- In a dream recently I was married to one of my best friends, Jaime. I remember thinking "I love him, but we're friends! We can't get married!". In that same dream I was being serenaded by Gwyneth Paltrow in an empty classroom (Glee, anyone?!).

- Shortly after my breakup with PD (we do NOT speak his name any longer and this is a new nickname for him) I had a dream that one of my friends and I were locked in a dark mall after hours. No matter what door that I tried they were all locked. But soon she asked if I would follow her "this way" as she motioned to what looked like a solid wall, which turned into a door when she pushed on it. I absolutely know what this dream was about but it would take forever to explain!!

- Recently I had a dream about going Christmas shopping while naked. Which is silly because a) I didn't do any Christmas shopping this year, and b) most of my naked dreams have me prancing around work or school, not the mall. Weird!!

- A couple of months ago I had a dream I was falling. I could feel the wind rushing past my face but everything was completely silent. That was the whole dream. I think I've read that falling dreams mean you feel out of control. Which I can totally agree with at the time!

I've been thinking about keeping a dream journal because I love remembering the details of them as soon as I wake up! But I think between my regular journal, this blog and my planner it may be a bit much and hard to keep up with! I guess we'll see if I ever get around to it...

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