Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Mind Dump

* The weather has been yucky the last few days. That wouldn't be so bad if I didn't drive a convertible that currently has no top on it. I've taken to driving around wearing a bright yellow rain slicker! I've gotten some looks but it keeps me dry!

* Very suddenly I am missing Atlanta. A bunch. Could it have something to do with a text convo I had with a friend recently? Why, yes, I think so. Don't you know how easily I am swayed by now? Hmmph. Besides, my love for Atlanta has always been the deepest at spring time. Life in Atlanta in Spring is perfection.

* The bugs have found me again. I have countless no-see-um bites. Boo. But I have rediscovered Skin So Soft, which Granny used to douse on us as children. It keeps the bugs away, but it smells funny! Brings back good memories though.

* I spent $67 at the grocery store yesterday. Here's what I left with: a mini watermelon, a pound of carrots, one squash, one pound of grapes, a bag of pretzels, a pound of chicken, a pound of ground beef, a bag of black beans and rice, a peach cobbler and a bag of ice. How far can $67 get you?

* I'm going through tv withdrawals!!!! The VI went digital so our tv is out until we get cable. And with everything I've heard about the local cable company's customer service, it will be some time before that happens.

* I'm very much looking forward to my next counseling session. It's not for another two weeks, so I'm trying to be patient!

* I'm finally reading Eat, Pray, Love and I can't put it down!! I don't know why it took me so long to start it, but now that I have I am in love with the story and her writing style. I'm even more in love with the book than I am with the movie!

* I've been obsessed with the mini series "Rome" lately. It is extremely graphic and violent, but also very interesting and kind of sexy!

* My intense need to have a dog has passed. Was it a phase or a genuine wish? I'm not sure. We'll see!

* I have put every good vibe I can think of out into the Universe to help me get this job I want so badly! Maybe if you send good vibes too it'll happen for me?! :)

I hope everyone has something wonderful planned for this weekend. I'll be working away! Happy Friday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how you like "Eat Pray Love" when you finish - I loved it!
