Friday, December 9, 2011

A Pill for Everything

The amount of medication I'm currently on is weighing on my mind! I'm not against modern medicine at all, but I have always tried to limit how much I take, including anything over the counter. If there's a natural way to fix a health issue I try to go to that first, unless it's serious enough for a doctor's visit. But this last year has seen me take more pills than I'm sure I've taken in the last 10 years combined. I've been on Zoloft for a little over a year now for my depression and anxiety. And while it's working well, one of the side effects is that I'm unable to sleep unless I take something, so that's two Benadryl every evening. Another side effect is headaches, which bother me to the point where I'm also taking OTC pain relief several times a week. And I'm on daily oral contraceptives. This seems like so many pills to swallow every day! I don't know why I bother worrying about it, because they're all medications I need. But it still nags at me in the back of my mind...

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