Monday, May 9, 2011

Family Feud

There is something that's been weighing on my mind since that awful, nightmarish trip to Alaska last year: If you don't get along with your partner's family, can the relationship survive?

Sky's mother is one of the rudest, meanest people I have ever met in my life. I don't like her and she doesn't like me. She made this very clear on several occasions, including yesterday. After receiving the Mother's Day card we sent, she emailed Sky berating him for sending the card. She said she didn't want to have anything to do with me and asked why he couldn't understand that. This is just one of the many hateful, insulting things that she's done or said. Sky's brother is distant and can barely manage to say "Hi" to me, and that's if he decides to acknowledge my presence. And Sky's sister-in-law (his brother's wife) is just, well let's just say we'll never be more than passing strangers and I'm beyond fine with that.

While there is no love lost between me and Sky's family, the situation as a whole devastates me. The idea of a close family has always been important to me. My family is not, nor were they ever, close. I've always dreamed that I would meet and marry someone with a large, tight-knit family that I could be a part of. No such luck here.

The issues with Sky's family have definitely had a negative impact on our relationship. It's something that comes up frequently in arguments. And unfortunately I don't ever see it getting better. I guess the only thing to really do is wait and see how things work out.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to this, sister - there are big issues between me and Wes's family, and it's the biggest thorn in our marriage/relationship. In fact, if we ever separate, it really will be the reason. It's sad, and severely disappointing, but there's not much that can be done in my situation, and maybe not in yours, either - so I feel your pain.
